Management Conference
Upon inclusion in the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) National Estuary Program, a diverse group of stakeholders was assembled including representatives from industry and business, fisheries, agriculture, oil and gas, government agencies, individual citizens, landowners, civic organizations, hunters, scientists, engineers, environmentalists, economists, and urban planners.
This group is known as the BTNEP Management Conference (BTMC) and it ensures a place for the voice of all that live, work, and play in the Barataria-Terrebonne estuarine complex.
The BTMC, which originally convened in 1990 to develop the Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan (CCMP), has been the catalyst for producing open and frank discussions about some of the most critical coastal management issues of the nation for over 25 years. The BTMC’s primary function is to encourage and oversee the implementation of the CCMP by coordinating and integrating the CCMP actions among agencies and stakeholders. In addition, the BTMC maintains an interchange with other similar federal, state and local planning efforts, and reviews and modifies the implementation of the CCMP as conditions change over time. Finally, the BTMC fosters and expands the use of participatory, voluntary and incentive-based approaches to decision-making in the estuary.
Over the years, the BTMC worked to build consensus in the development and implementation of the CCMP. Members of the BTMC have volunteered tens of thousands of hours determining the directions the journey must take to safeguard the estuary for future generations. Today, the BTMC meets quarterly to provide direction and oversight to the BTNEP program office as they implement the CCMP, a plan equally as vital today as it was when it was created.

Click for a list of Management Conference Members
Management Conference Members
- American Sugar Cane League
- Bayou Lafourche Freshwater District
- Cajun Music Preservation Society
- Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana
- Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority
- Commercial Fisheries
- Governor’s Office of Coastal Activities
- Greater Lafourche Port Commission
- Iberville Parish Government
- Jefferson Parish Government
- LA Department of Agriculture and Forestry
- LA Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism
- LA Department of Economic Development
- LA Department of Education
- LA Department of Environmental Quality
- LA Department of Health and Hospitals
- LA Department of Natural Resources
- LA Department of Wildlife and Fisheries
- Lafourche Parish Government
- LA Association of Levee Boards
- LA Forestry Association
- LA Independent Oil and Gas Association
- LA Landowners Association
- LA Oil Spill Coordinators Office
- LA Science Teachers Association
- LA Wildlife Federation
- LSU Ag Center and LA Sea Grant
- Lowlanders Center/Isle de Jean Charles Band of Biloxi-Chitimacha-Choctaw
- National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)
- Nicholls State University
- Plaquemines Parish Government
- Pointe Coupee Parish Government
- Sassafras Louisiana
- South Central Planning and Development Commission
- South Louisiana Economic Council
- South Louisiana Wetlands Discovery Center
- St. Charles Parish Government
- St. John Parish Government
- Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government
- The Nature Conservancy
- US Army Corps of Engineers
- US Coast Guard
- US Environmental Protection Agency
- US Fish and Wildlife Service
- US Geological Survey (USGS)
- US Department of Agricultural/Natural Resource Conservation Service (USDA/NRCS)
- US National Park Service
Management Conference Documents by Year

2019: Management Conference Documents
- 2019 and 2020 Additional Projects Sheet For MC Review
- Final Agenda MC#87 May 2nd 2019 5.16
- Final Draft FY2020 Workplan Projects. 4.17.19 DFB STB
- Final Minutes MC#86 2.7. 2019
- Introduction to the BTNEP Climate Ready Estuary Assessment
- Update on Chinese Tallow Demography Project
- Community Resilience Learning Collaborative and Research Network – C-Learn Update including New Products
- Agenda MC#88 (Final)
- Final Minutes MC#87 7.15.19
- BTNEP-Final-Resolution-Hypoxia-10.30.2017
- 2. Mississippi River High Water Event Status and Impacts-Brad Inman, CPRA
- 3. Preliminary Assessment of Restoration Impacts in the Isles Dernieres, Terrebonne Parish, LA – Darrin Lee, CPRA
- 4. Hurdles with Nurdles Gulf-wide Research Project – Jace Tunnell
- Agenda MC#89-Final
- Final Minutes MC#88-Final
- Resolution – BTNEP 2020-Year-of-the-Gulf-Proclamation-DRAFT (1)
- 2. Understanding Migratory Connectivity of Red Knots Delaina LeBlanc BTNEP
- 3. Removal of Derelict Crab Traps Adam Songy Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation
- 4. Oil SPill and Birds La Oil Spill Coordinator’s Office Eva Windhoffer</a

2018: Management Conference Documents
- MC #82 Final Minutes 4.17.18
- Draft Resolution BTNEP-LWCF 2018
- Draft FY19 Workplan Projects
- BTNEP Region LWCF projects
- Agenda MC#83-5.3.18 Final
- 3- Prothonotary Warbler – Natalie
- The Water Institute of the Gulf-Monica Barra
- 4 Prothonotary Warbler Brochure 2
- 3-Water Treatment Operations 2018 – Dirk Barrios
- 2-NRCS Available Assistance – Samuel Terry
- #2 Thomas Hymel LFF_LA Direct Overview Presentation BTNEP nov 1 2018
- #3 NPS Angela Rathle BTNEP Presentation
- #4 Joni Tuck Port Fourchon 20181101 BTNEP MC Presentation
- #1 Stuart Brown Master Plan 2023 Overview and New Project – BTNEP November 2018
- Agenda MC#85 (Revised 10.24.18)
- Final Minutes MC#84 (STB Approved)
- Michael Massimi – Purple Loosestrife
- c Lythrum 1
- c Lythrum 1
- aa loosestrife 1
- ab Lythrum salicaria 2
- i-CIMG0003
- b Nashua Mass
- h loosestrife map
- j CIMG0004
- f Purple_loosestrife007_RMueller
- g download
- e L. salicaria range

2015: Management Conference Documents
- MC_70_MississippiRiverReintroductionintoBayouLafourche_BA-0161_2015-02-05_2_pptx
- MC_70_Meeting_Minutes_2015-02-05
- MC_70_Meeting_Agenda_2015-02-05
- MC_70_JointAgencySewageSystemAssistanceProject_2015-02-05
- MC_70_Caminada_2015-02-05
- MC_70_CajunMusicPreservationSociety_2015-02-05_2_pptx
- MC_70_Belhadjali_2015-02-05
- MC_70_BayouLafourcheFecalColiformProject_BTNEP_2015
- MC_70_ApprovedResolutionSupportingLand_WaterConservationFund

2013: Management Conference Documents
- MC_66_Meeting_Minutes
- MC_66_Meeting_Agenda__2014-02-06
- MC_66_Diversion_Caveats
- MC_66_BTNEP_Mississippi_River_Diversions
- MC_65_Spahrs_Toast_to_the_Coast_Presentation
- MC_65_Piping_Plover_Surveys
- MC_65_Meeting_Minutes
- MC_65_Meeting_Agenda_2013-11-05
- MC_65_La_Fete_dEcologie_2013
- MC_65_Gulf_Tournament_Toast_to_the_Coast
- MC_65_Feral_Hog_Damage_Report
- MC_65_Education_Presentation