Nicole, a native of Gheens, has over 20 years of experience in office administration in the oilfield and transportation industries. She serves as the Administrative Assistant to the program director and will be responsible for the everyday activities of the program office. Babin will also work very closely with program staff, members of the BTNEP Management Conference and the public.

Andrew has been with BTNEP for 14 years and manages projects related to water quality, coastal restoration and cultural heritage, and oversees quality assurance for scientific data collection. He represents BTNEP on the Water Management Advisory Task Force Commission, the Greater New Orleans Master Naturalist Program Steering Committee, the State Master Plan Framework Development Team and other various committees related to water quality and coastal restoration. Andrew has taught Physical Science, Biology, Environmental Science and Chemistry as a High School Science Teacher. He has also worked as an Environmental Specialist and Environmental Scientist for the Nonpoint Source Pollution Unit of the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality.
B.A., Archaeology
B.S., Agronomy
M.S., Soil Mineralogy/Chemistry

Siva Nunna earned her Master of Science degree in Marine and Environmental Biology from Nicholls State University. As the BTNEP Water Quality Coordinator, she manages watershed projects; monitors surface water quality; conducts data assessments; prepares quarterly and final reports; and maintains financial records to manage grants. Currently, she works to restore the Bayou Folse and Bayou Lafourche watersheds in partnership with the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality and the Gulf of Mexico Division. She also conducts community outreach about water quality for universities, the general public, and stakeholders.
M.S., Biochemistry
M.S., Marine and Environmental Biology

Natalie is responsible for developing and implementing bird monitoring and habitat enhancement projects within BTNEP’s Migratory and Resident Bird Program. Natalie manages the BTNEP Prothonotary Warbler Conservation and Monitoring Project, coordinates the partnership and development of the Osprey Nest Platform Installation and Monitoring Project, and conducts coastal bird surveys monitoring species of conservation concern including Piping Plover, Snowy Plover, Wilson’s Plover, Red Knot, Least Tern, Reddish Egret, and Common Nighthawk. She develops educational outreach materials promoting bird conservation including brochures, fact sheets, displays, presentations, and social media posts. She provides technical support to the Senior Scientist and works closely with management conference members to provide bird conservation recommendations and actions relevant to the implementation of BTNEP’s Comprehensive Conservation Management Plan.
B.S., Wildlife Ecology and Conservation

Emily earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Marine Biology with a minor in Chemistry from Nicholls State University in 2020. As a BTNEP Water Quality Scientist, she collects field data and water quality grab samples for laboratory analysis, inputs/analyzes water quality data, and works to restore the Bayou Folse and Bayou Lafourche watersheds. Emily also conducts educational outreach events to schools, festivals, and the general public about water quality. Emily has also worked as a Chemical Laboratory Technician. Emily grew up in the estuary so it is an honor for her to aid in the preservation and restoration of our estuary.

Matt oversees BTNEP’s Coastal Vegetative Restoration Program. Since 2008, Matt has presided over the vegetative restoration of an historic ridge in Fourchon recreated with dredged pipeline sediments called the Fourchon Maritime Forest Ridge and Marsh Restoration Project. To meet the vegetative needs for this and other vegetative projects within the estuary, Matt has overseen the construction of BTNEP’s Native Plant Production Facility located at Nicholls State University Farm. Seeds and plants collected from around coastal Louisiana are grown out at this facility for use at the Fourchon Maritime Ridge and the many other vegetative plantings conducted annually throughout the Barataria-Terrebonne estuary basins. The Coastal Vegetative Restoration Program utilizes the assistance of volunteers locally and from around the nation to implement these critical projects. Matt also serves on the Coastal Zone Management & Restoration Advisory Committee for Terrebonne Parish.
B.S., Geography

Ashleigh joined the program in April of 2022, after earning her Master of Science degree from Nicholls State University. As our Native Plant Nursery Coordinator, she works side by side with our Habitat Restoration Coordinator to grow out and maintain native plants to fulfill various restoration planting contracts. Additionally, she oversees the day-to-day operations of the nursery facilities and is responsible for managing the farm student workers. Ashleigh’s interests include restoration ecology, effects of inundation on vegetation, and education and outreach about Louisiana’s unique habitat.

Michael is a native of Algiers, the only part of the city of New Orleans that lies within the Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuary. He was BTNEP’s Invasive Species Coordinator from 2004 to 2019, and rejoined the program in 2022. He currently manages projects to conduct research, control, management, outreach and public education on invasive species. He chairs BTNEP’s Invasive Species Action Plan Team and is a member of the Louisiana Aquatic Invasive Species Task Force, chaired by the LA Dept. of Wildlife & Fisheries. Michael also represents BTNEP in matters of coastal restoration and storm protection planning. He served on the Habitat Evaluation Team for the US Army Corps of Engineers’ Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Study (LaCPR), and represented BTNEP on the Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority (CPRA) Framework Development Team for both the 2012 and 2017 Master Plan. Michael is also the current Vice President, founding member and instructor for the Louisiana Master Naturalists of Greater New Orleans.

Delaina has worked with the program since 2007 conducting coastal bird research that serves in the protection of habitat for migratory and resident birds. She is responsible for coordination of bird surveys, management of data on several projects, and promotion of bird conservation and outreach. In 2015, Delaina received the Louisiana Ornithological Society’s President’s Award for her contributions to Louisiana shorebird research and habitat restoration. In addition to being the BTNEP Migratory Birds Coordinator, Delaina is an artist whose artwork is designed to call attention to coastal land loss and bird preservation issues.
Masters in Fine Arts