Who Are We?

We are a partnership of government, business, scientists, conservation organizations, agricultural interests, and individuals for the preservation, protection, and restoration of the Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuary in southeast Louisiana.

If you live, work, or play in the Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuary or are one of the millions that use its resources across the nation, you have a vested interest in its restoration.

What’s Going On?

Our mission is the preservation and restoration of the Barataria-Terrebonne estuarine system, the 4.2 million-acre region between the Atchafalaya and Mississippi Rivers.

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Migratory & Resident Birds

BTNEP has built the framework for the conservation of bird population that use the area through monitoring and educating the public on bird issues.


BTNEP strives to educate the public on environmental issues and help teachers bring environmental education to their students in the classroom.

Invasive Species

BTNEP aims to raise awareness and understanding of invasive species and create effective solutions.

Water Quality

BTNEP is dedicated to educating and assisting citizens to take action on their own property and in their own lives toward improving water quality in our estuary.


Through a number of projects and events, BTNEP strives to build relationships with the community to increase awareness about the BTES and the issues it is facing.

Native Plant Production

BTNEP collects native seed and stock to grow out plants at our production facility for use in habitat restoration.

Habitat Restoration

BTNEP selects project areas that are based on our mission of preserving and restoring the BTES.


BTNEP volunteers play a vital role in habitat restoration, while also learning about important ecological and economical characteristics of the BTES.

What Can Be Done?

It's not too late. We have a long term plan to manage our wetlands effectively.

The Louisiana Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuary is the fastest disappearing landmass on Earth.
In the time you’ve spent on this site, 0 ft² have been lost.*

Upcoming BTNEP Management Conference Meeting Dates​

November 1, 2018
Plantation Suite @ Nicholls State University
February 7, 2019
Plantation Suite @ Nicholls State University
May 2, 2019
Plantation Suite @ Nicholls State University
August 1, 2019
Plantation Suite @ Nicholls State University
November 1, 2019
Plantation Suite @ Nicholls State University