Natalie is responsible for developing and implementing bird monitoring and habitat enhancement projects within BTNEP’s Migratory and Resident Bird Program. Natalie manages the BTNEP Prothonotary Warbler Conservation and Monitoring Project, coordinates the partnership and development of the Osprey Nest Platform Installation and Monitoring Project, and conducts coastal bird surveys monitoring species of conservation concern including Piping Plover, Snowy Plover, Wilson’s Plover, Red Knot, Least Tern, Reddish Egret, and Common Nighthawk. She develops educational outreach materials promoting bird conservation including brochures, fact sheets, displays, presentations, and social media posts. She provides technical support to the Senior Scientist and works closely with management conference members to provide bird conservation recommendations and actions relevant to the implementation of BTNEP’s Comprehensive Conservation Management Plan.
B.S., Wildlife Ecology and Conservation