For projects that include minimizing the establishment, spread, and impact of aquatic invasive species. Specifically, aquatic habitat conservation projects under this program must protect, restore, and enhance fish and aquatic habitats, as outlined in the National Fish Habitat Action Plan (Action Plan). Likewise, projects under this program directly or indirectly, support and promote public access to recreational fishing opportunities and the sustainable use of other natural resources. 

The Fish and Wildlife Management Assistance Program provides technical and financial assistance to other federal agencies, states, local governments, Native American tribes, non governmental organizations, citizen groups, and landowners for the conservation and management of fish and wildlife resources. This includes minimizing the establishment, spread, and impact of aquatic invasive species. Specifically, aquatic habitat conservation projects under this program must protect, restore, and enhance fish and aquatic habitats, as outlined in the National Fish Habitat Action Plan (Action Plan). Likewise, projects under this program directly or indirectly, support and promote public access to recreational fishing opportunities and the sustainable use of other natural resources. Funded projects may be carried out by Fish Habitat Partnerships (FHPs) recognized by the National Fish Habitat Board (Board) or the partners of Board recognized FHPs. More information about the FHPs and their partners can be found online at

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