A vacancy announcement for NOAA’s Deepwater Horizon Program Manager has been posted.  The vacancy is for a Supervisory Habitat Resource Specialist in either Silver Spring (MD), Baton Rouge (LA), or St. Petersburg (FL) to serve as the Deepwater Horizon Program Manager. The position will lead and oversee the NOAA Deepwater Horizon (DWH) Program by managing teams that plan, develop, and implement vital coastal and marine restoration projects to restore natural resources and habitats that were injured and/or lost from the DWH oil spill.

It is Job Announcement Numbers: NMFS-HC-2017-0005 (MAP) and NMFS-HC-2017-007 (DEU) and it will be open for two weeks, closing on Friday, August 18.  It is open to both federal employees (MAP) and all citizens (DEU).


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